Community Spotlight: Sioux Falls Food Co+op


By: Greg Koch

At 605 Running Company, we believe in the power of local partnerships to bring our events to life. Today, we’re excited to feature the Sioux Falls Food Co+op, a community-owned grocery store dedicated to providing high-quality, affordable food options while fostering a strong sense of community. We sat down with Becky Squyer, Director of Marketing & Community Outreach, to learn more about their mission, their connection to the running community, and a favorite St. Patrick’s Day memory!
About Sioux Falls Food Co+op & Their Partnership

Can you introduce yourself and your business and tell us what you do?
I’m Becky Squyer, Director of Marketing & Community Outreach at Sioux Falls Food Co+op. We are a community-owned and operated grocery store, open to everyone—whether you’re a member-owner or not. Our focus is on providing high-quality products at competitive prices while fostering a sense of belonging in Sioux Falls.

What inspired your business to partner with 605 Running Company?
The Co+op is always looking for ways to be more involved in the community. Partnering with 605 Running Company connects us with a like-minded group of people who are engaged in caring for their bodies and making healthy choices.

What does supporting local events like this mean to your business?
As a community-driven grocery store, we believe that supporting local events helps us strengthen and grow our network of health-conscious, engaged individuals. Whether you’re a runner, a foodie, or both, we love connecting with people who care about what they put into their bodies.

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about your company?
We are open to everyone! While you can become an owner, you don’t have to be one to shop at the Co+op. We also focus on affordability with our Co+op Basics (everyday pantry staples at great prices), Co+op Deals (rotating sales), and Co+op Fresh Deals (discounts on produce). There’s something for everyone here!

Will your team be participating on race day?
We’re not sure yet about this specific race, but we are excited to participate in future races!

Do you have a favorite St. Patrick’s Day memory?
For me, it’s participating in the Downtown Sioux Falls St. Patrick’s Day parade as a child! I’m a born-and-raised DTSF girl and have lived within a mile of Phillips Avenue my entire life.

A huge thank you to Becky Squyer and the Sioux Falls Food Co+op for their commitment to building a stronger, healthier Sioux Falls. Be sure to check them out next time you’re looking for fresh, high-quality food options in the heart of our city!


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